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 6 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis"Advanced Search
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General Washington, ca. 1794. Creator: Thomas Holloway.
Le Général Washington, Commendant en Chef des Armées Americaines, né en Virginie en 173..., 1783-86. Creator: Unknown.
The American Rattle Snake, April 12, 1782., April 12, 1782. Creator: Attributed to James Gillray.
'General Lincoln Receiving Cornwallis's Sword from General O'Hara', (1877). Creator: Albert Bobbett.
'Siege of Yorktown', 1781 (c1836). Artist: Auguste Couder
Proclamation of illuminations commemorating the surrender of General Cornwallis, 1781 (c1880). Artist: Unknown